Regulating Act of 1773


a) This was the first constitutional step taken by the British government to control and regulate the affairs of East India Company. 

b) It is the foundations of central administration in India. 


a) It designated the Governor of Bengal as Governor General of Bengal ( first Governor General of Bengal was Lord Warren Hastings).

b) It created an executive council of four members to assist Governor General of Bengal. 

c) This act makes Governor General of Bengal as highest authority in British India and makes Governor of Bombay and Madras presidency subordinate to him.

d) This act makes mandatory for the court of Directors to report the Companies revenue, military and civil affairs regularly.

e) It provides for the establishment of the Supreme Court at Calcutta ( accordingly Supreme Court was established at Calcutta in 1774 comprising Chief Justice and other three Judges). 

f) It prohibited the private trade made by company servants.


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